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​人類黑區 Anthropic Shadow


    「人類黑區」的「黑」不是色彩的黑,是存在於人類知識範圍外的廣大世界中的「無知」或「未知」。 此創作自「暖化」出發思考,試圖以更貼近大眾生命經驗的方式理解人類及地球所面臨的環境現狀及可能的危機。面對當代氣候變遷、地球暖化等環境危機,人類的諸多手段究竟是善用智慧,還是自作聰明?萬一關鍵性問題存在於超越任何已知範疇的人類黑區呢?人類無法從容面對環境中的未知,與無限制的延展自身慾望,會不會才是我們最大的生存威脅?


"Exploring those beyond human knowledge; reconstructing our relationship with the unknown."

    The "shadow" of the "Anthropic Shadow" doesn't refer to darkness, but the "ignorance" or "unknownness" in the vast world outside the scope of human knowledge. This creation is based on the reflection of " global warming", trying to understand the environmental status and possible crises faced by humans and the earth in a way that is closer to the life experience of the public. In the face of climate change, global warming and other contemporary crises, are man's many countermeasures the acts of true wisdom, or have we overestimated our intelligence?


    The five major extinctions in the history of the earth are all related to the drastic changes in the carbon cycle. Geology reveals the remains of ancient gloom, and we are able to glimpse the long history of the earth written by the rock formations. The highly destructive human beings are only a thin trace of life in this long history, but they can carry out large-scale material metabolism with modern civilization, and release the buried carbon for a long time into the atmosphere, and it will also be harsh. The deadly heat waves continue to push to new heights, threatening the physiological limits that human beings can load. The surface is broken, the climate is extremely changing, the earth is depleted, life is fragile, and the test is hard. We, undoubtedly, are in the doomsday; perhaps, only lizards and birds can survive, and scientists predict that in the near future, they may return to the Eocene of five thousand years ago. On the other hand, we are fortunate enough being in the history of the planet, the earth, or even in the history of the universe. At this moment, we are still reading the inter-temporal message from the galaxy and geology. The concept of "Anthropic Shadow" comes from the notion that the threat caused by the catastrophe needs to be calculated by the frequency of observations, but if the observer is destroyed, the biggest threats may not appear in the historical record. The threat that is not seen existed in the Anthropic Shadow, that is outside the scope of human knowledge, the vast strange land, is our ignorance or unknown. 



                                                                                                                                                                                   邱誌勇, ARTalks, 2019年10月25日

Through the auspices of artificialization, this work pairs an imagined origin of all creation with a depiction of nature in its purest state. Add to that experimentation infused with the spirit of science and technology, and we have the wholly unique scene engendered by this piece. It is a reflection on how humanity, in the face of its pursuit of economic growth and in the age of rapid-speed, mass-media driven technology, must confront the self while developing awareness and concern for the environment and objects that surround us. It is a call to respect nature.    


                                                                                                                                                                - Chiu Chih-yung, ARTalks, October 25, 2019



編舞:蘇文琪、三東瑠璃、Danang Pamungkas

舞者:三東瑠璃、Danang Pamungkas



聲音設計:賴宗昀、Esteban Fernandez











攝影:林敬原, 張震洲, 廖祈羽






特別感謝:Performance Space、Critical Path、Mirramu Creative Art Centre



Concept: SU Wen-chi

Choreography: SU Wen-chi, Ruri Mito, Danang Pamungkas

Dancer: Ruri Mito, Danang Pamungkas

Stage Design: LIAO Chi-yu, CHANG Huei-ming

Sound Design: LAI Tsung-yun, Esteban Fernandez

Video Design and New Media Program Integration: YEH Ting-hao

Light Design: Ryoya Fudetani

Costume Design: ZEIGARNIQ

Co-creative Research: CHOW Ling-chih

Technical Director: DENG Siang-ting

Stage manager: HUANG Yung-Zhi, YU Rui-pei

Stage Design Assistant: YU Huai-ru

Light Design Assistant: LIOU Po-Sin

Light Associate: WANG Fang-ning

Sound technician: WU Ang-Lin

Technician: JIANG Yi-shuan, CHEN Ding-nan, YEH Yo-ying, CHANG Ning-siang, TSAI Cheng-han

Photography: LIN Jing-yuan, CHANG Zhen-Zhou, LIAO Chi-yu

Video documentation: Big Big Chen International Film Inc.

Producer: SUN Ping

Executive producer: WU Ke-yun

Produced by : National Theater and Concert Hall, TAIWAN

Co-production unit: Le phénix scène nationale Valenciennes

Acknowledgement unit: Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture, Quanta Arts Foundation

Special thanks: Performance Space, Critical Path, Mirramu Creative Art Centre

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