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YILAB 一當代舞團



團隊受邀於國內外具有指標性的新媒體與表演藝術節,台灣牯嶺街國際劇場藝術節、台灣國際藝術節TIFA, 台中歌劇院NTT-TIFA, 台北數位藝術節、CLAB_台灣聲響實驗室、南韓光州亞洲藝術劇院、法國巴黎Arcadi、南特SCOPITONE、Chroniques數位想像雙年展、IRCAM Forum、法國安錫國際動畫影展, 比利時布魯塞爾藝術節 KunstenFestivaldesArts、魯汶STUK當代藝術中心、德國柏林LEAP Gallery、波茨坦舞蹈日、葡萄牙里斯本InShadow、希臘卡拉馬塔國際舞蹈節、瑞士日內瓦Sparks CERN、Mapping Festival、LaBâtie, 澳洲雪梨Performance Space...等。



編舞者, 新媒體表演藝術家, YILAB 一當代舞團的創立者。

作品以結合新媒體與表演藝術的概念與形式,嘗試從新媒體的思維裡,重新思索表演藝術的可能性,延伸當代藝術在面對數位科技的衝擊所帶來的提問與省思。她積極地以工作坊、研討會、表演的形式,與本地/國際藝術家與科學家保持創作上的互動與合作,她是台灣國家兩廳院2017年駐館藝術家、歐洲核子研究組織Arts@CERN科學藝術駐村藝術家,美國實驗媒體和表演藝術中心EMPAC駐館藝術家。曾獲第九屆台新藝術獎特別評審獎。2021年蘇文琪與瑞士奢華保養品牌LA PRAIRIE萊珀妮的藝術合作在巴塞爾藝術展邁阿密海灘展會獨家展出。2022年VR作品入圍法國安錫國際動畫影展,2024年雲門春鬥藝術家。同年, 她的最新VR作品“入流”榮獲美國繆思創意獎VR金獎。


In 2005, SU WENCHI founded YILAB in Taiwan, an experimental group of new media and performance artists working on integrating new technology with the performing arts and seeking to present new performance formats. YILAB's philosophy is: in a work, there is not just one dominant medium, but rather concepts that appear similar yet collide with one another; every artist involved is an independent entity who has their own artistic trajectory, can freely put forward their viewpoint, and undertake in-depth exploration of the core significance of the theme.

Their performances and exhibitions have been featured at festivals and theaters in new media arts and performing arts, such as Gu-Ling St. International Theatre Festival, TIFA (Taiwan International Festival of Arts), Taipei Digital Arts Festival, CLAB (Taiwan Sound Lab), Asian Arts Theatre (South Korea), Arcadi Hors Saison, Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, IRCAM Forum, SCOPITONE, Chroniques: Biennale of Digital Imagination, Festival International du Film d'Animation d'Annecy (France), Kunstenfestivaldesarts, STUK (Belgium), LEAP Gallery, Potsdamer Tanztage (Germany), InShadow (Portugal), Kalamata Dance Festival (Greece), Mapping Festival, La Bâtie (Switzerland), Performance Space (Australia), among others.



A choreographer, dancer, new media artist, and the founder of YILAB.

Combining the concepts and forms of new media and performing arts, she attempts to rethink the possibilities of dance from the perspective of new media, extending the discourse and reflection on contemporary art in the face of digital technology's impact. She has actively interacted and collaborated with local and international art communities through workshops, seminars, talks, and performances. She was an artist-in-residence at the National Theater & Concert Hall in Taiwan in 2017, CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), and EMPAC (Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY). As one of Taiwan's iconic figures in this field, SU received the Jury's Special Award in the 9th Taishin Arts Award and the Alternative Design Gold Award in the 2017 World Stage Design Award. SU WENCHI's collaboration with Swiss skincare house LA PRAIRIE was exclusively presented during Art Basel Miami Beach 2021. Her VR film was selected for the Festival International du Film d'Animation d'Annecy in 2022. In 2024, she was invited to be one of the choreographers in Spring Riot 2024, hosted by Cloud Gate Dance Company. Also in 2024, her latest VR film 'Fluid' inspired by calligraphy and dance was awarded the VR Gold Winner in the MUSE Creative Awards.


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